First Time Homebuyer Real Estate Word is Assessed Value
This REALTOR® jargon is so
prevalent, I thought a First Time Homebuyer glossary of real estate terms
might be helpful. From time to time I have been adding to this list of terms
used often by REALTORS® in a series of posts. This way you can skip buying that
big “how to buy a house” book or attending that First Time Homebuyer Class and have a quick resource at
your fingertips. I am continuing the series with Today’s Real Estate Term:
Assessed Value (or Tax Value) Every home has a value assigned to it by the county
assessor which is the assessed value. This value is updated on regular basis (usually
once a year) and it is used for determining your property tax. This value should
not be confused with an appraised value (value determined by an appraiser) or
market value (value determined when listed on the market), since it is often a
year or two out of date. Usually the assessor will determine a separate value
for the land and the structures. This value does not add for landscaping which
would be included in a values determined by appraisers and homebuyers.
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