Even as prices rose in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro this spring and summer, there were still deals to be had on Minnesota Acreage.
There are dozens acreage homes that currently listed throughout the
north and eastern suburbs of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Not all are foreclosures or short sales either. But if you do decided to attempt to purchase a distressed property, you need to be aware it has vast differences than buying from a more traditional
seller. For instance, when buying a bank-owned property most buyers are required to waive their right to a seller’s disclosure. This
actually does make sense since no one at the bank actually lived at the
home and can properly complete the disclosure. In fact, it is doubtful
that anyone at the bank has ever set foot on the property. So when
buying a foreclosure on acreage, what other things need to be considered
to protect yourself?
**Ask for a Compliance Test for the Septic System.

you have never lived on a home with a septic system, it is important to
educate yourself on how to best maintain your system. Additional information on Septic Systems.
**Well Disclosure is Mandated by State Law
Minnesota, well disclosure is mandated by state law as a part of the
Ground Water Protection Act. A seller, even if it is a bank, must provide information on the
location and status of all wells on a property at the time of sale. If
this information is known and not provided, the buyer has 6 years in
which to file a claim against the seller. If you chose to waive your
rights when buying a foreclosure AS-IS and it is a large acreage parcel
of land, it is a good idea to visit the MN Dept of Health webpage on Finding Abandoned Wells
prior to purchase. Abandoned wells can be very expensive to seal
properly. Improper sealing is not only illegal, it can be detrimental to
the ground water. Additional information on Private Wells.
**Are there any underground fuel tanks?

fuel tank located near the home. These tanks are usually only seen in the city at gas stations where homeowners fill their small propane tanks for the weekend BBQ. In the country, the large tanks are in many backyards as the source of fuel to heat the home and run appliances. But what if there is no visible tank? Don’t immediately assume the home is heated with natural gas. Homes on large acreage are rarely heated with natural gas as the cost of bringing the gas line to the home can be cost prohibitive. Check for underground fuel tanks or an fuel oil tank in the basement. Even if there is a propane tank visible, there could be an old fuel tank on the property either above or underground. The removal of underground fuel storage tanks can be dangerous and is regulated by the
**Check the Trees!
a home AS-IS also applies to the landscaping. If there are dead trees
on the property, it would be a good idea to assess them to see if they
died due to a disease. The big three in Minnesota are oak wilt, Dutch elm and the Emerald Ash Borer.
Not every question about buying an acreage property is unique to bank-owned homes. CLICK HERE for more answers to common questions buyers have when purchasing a home on Minnesota acreage. Also, keep in mind to consider all options. Many buyers have found after weighing all the pros and cons that the best deal on a home with acreage may not be a foreclosure or short sale!
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