Yesterday, I had the opportunity to drop off one of my
Christmas packages in person. I have been taking the easy way out and letting
the postal service do the bulk of the work but I do like to add a personal
delivery where it makes sense.

He responded, “I’m not moving again for a very long time!”
Funny…when we listed his house, he and his new fiancĂ©e had
planned to sell her home too and start their new life in a brand new neighborhood. It is funny how quickly thinks can change...I
just smiled.
Packing is a chore but it is a very big part of moving. This
morning I ran across a fun interactive game that might be of interest to anyone
planning a move soon. It gives the player a chance to test his/her packing
skills by loading a simulated moving van, which is actually just a cube, with boxes as they come off the conveyor belt. So
far, the men are getting higher scores than the ladies, even though many more women
have tried playing the YOU-PACK-A-CUBE Game. It's on Facebook so you have to have a Facebook Account to play. I wasn't very good at the game but it was fun to try...and a bit addictive. My excuse...I do better when packing boxes, cars and vans in person.
So take a break from wrapping presents and baking cookies to test your packing skills…And when you
are ready to make that move, give me a call!