Sunday, March 11, 2007

Avoid Being SOLD by a Credit Bureau!

Did you know that for as little as $25 a credit bureau can buy your personal information after you apply for credit?

When you apply for a loan, you are required to fill out an application with personal information including name, address, and phone number. Based on the information you supply, the loan officer will pull your credit and mortgage history including you FICO score and other details. There is no law that prevents the credit bureaus from making a profit on the sale of this collected data. And there are many mortgage companies and other financial vendors that will pay top dollar for the opportunity to solicit your business.

Credit bureaus sell names, addresses, phone numbers, mortgage histories andFICO scores for as little as $25 to $100 to financial institutions and mortgage firms as a way for loan officers to solicit your business.

There is a way to prevent your information from being sold. Prior to applying for any loan program, opt out. Visit which will provide you with a convenient and easy way to prevent your information from being sold by credit bureaus.

If you are relocating to Minnesota, are looking for Homes for Sale in the north and east Twin Cities metro area and need help from a professional Realtor, give me a call. Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota.

Copyright 2007

Rent Continues to Rise in Minneapolis & St Paul MN

The September Rent report just released by ABODO shows te average rate to lease a one bedroom apartment in St Paul to be increasing ...