The Ham Lake city council hosted a Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting in April. According to the Ham Laker, the Anoka County Appraiser, Peggy Nordrum reported on real estate activity for the City of Ham Lake. Her findings echo what I first noted when I received my tax statement earlier this year, where I saw a 2.6% decrease in assessed value on my own Ham Lake property. Ms. Nordrum reported a 3.3% citywide decrease in the average median sale price of a residential home. Take a look at the numbers:

As a Realtor working who lives and sells homes in Anoka County and the north and east Twin Cities suburbs, what I find most interesting is that while these figures are down slightly, Ham Lake property values have risen 62.3% since 2000. Overall this is a pretty health increase in property values for the average homeowner in the city.
Nordrum also reported that the Ham Lake taxable property base is growing. As of January 2, 2007, there were 6,603 parcels in the City of Ham Lake. This is an increase of 120 parcels or 2.6% over the count in 2006. This statistic is not surprising to many Ham Lake residents as there are several new development signs and acreage that has been split into smaller lots throughout the city.
If you are relocating to Minnesota, are looking for Homes for Sale in the north and east Twin Cities metro area and need help from a professional Realtor, give me a call or visit my website for a FREE Relocation Packet. I specialize in acreage properties! Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota.