Bald eagles were removed from the endangered species list earlier this year. Due to their protected status for the past several years and efforts to bring back this beautiful bird, the amount of breeding pairs has grown from a low of 417 in 1963 to nearly 10,000 today. According to the Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) 2005 Bald Eagle survey, Over 1,000, roughly 10% of bald eagles nest in the state of Minnesota. I have seen these huge majestic birds fly over my Ham Lake home, along the roadside in Columbus Township and soar over the 4th of July parade in Forest Lake.
At the Minnesota DNR building at the state fair this year, there was an example of an eagles’ nest on display. Their nests are built of interwoven sticks about ¾ to an inch in diameter. I have seen an actual nest where a pair of eagles built a few years back in Keller Park in Maplewood. My estimation is that it is the size of a child’s swimming pool woven up into the treetops. The DNR display was just about eye level and easy to view.
The week after we were at the fair, I was back to check on my listing. As I rounded that same corner, I noticed that the beautiful carved eagle now had a nest! What a Uniquely Minnesota Artful Distraction created by an innovative homeowner. This is one landscape decoration that will add to the property value of this lovely Ham Lake home.
Another Artful Distraction Post from Series:Uniquely Minnesota Artful Distractions—Hometown Version: The North St. Paul Snowman
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