You’d better watch out and better not cry—Santa Claus is coming to OUR Town! The big guy himself will be coming through a Ham Lake neighborhood on his annual firetruck/food drive. 

One of the most fun and unique experiences that our family looks forward to every December is when Santa rides through the city on a fire truck, passing out candy canes to the good little (and big) residents of Ham Lake. Santa’s fireman helpers use this opportunity to collect non- perishable food items to stock the Ham Lake food shelf for the holidays. This trip to the end of the driveway or road is not just for the kiddies; Santa passes candy canes, donated by the Ham Lake Chamber of Commerce, out to the young and young at heart.
As Ham Lake is a rather large area geographically and the fire truck is not as swift as flying reindeer, Santa makes his pre-Christmas visit on a 3-day schedule from 6PM to 9PM.
Thursday December 4: The width of the city from the south border to 145th Lane.
Friday, December 5: The width of the city from 145th Avenue to Constance Blvd.
Saturday, December 6: The width of the city from Constance to the city’s north boundary.
New homeowners and past residents alike enjoy this unique Ham Lake Christmas tradition. Don’t miss out on the fun! Mark your calendar, listen for the sirens and bring the food donations to the end of the driveway. It is a great way to get into the holiday spirit.
Looking for a new home for the holidays? If you are buying, selling or relocating to Minnesota and need help from a professional Realtor, give me a call or visit my website for a FREE Relocation Packet or FREE Buyer’s Success Package. I specialize in acreage and lakeshore properties in the north and east Twin Cities metro area including Ham Lake, Lino Lakes and all communities in the Forest Lake School District! Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota.
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