Thursday, March 22, 2007

Property Valuations Are Arriving in Anoka County!

It’s that time again…Your 2007 Notice of Valuation for property in Anoka County should be arriving in your mailbox any day now!

What a pleasant surprise! My property value did not go up again this year. Of course many homeowners would be shocked to hear a Realtor make such a statement. But as a real estate agent, I know that the sales price of homes has leveled off and even decreased in some areas of Anoka County during the past couple of years.

The decrease in value has been so noticeable that when I received my 2006 Notice of Valuation, I called the assessor and questioned my statement because my property value had increased in the eyes of Anoka County. The assessor was very nice and explained that they are using the past year's data that shows the Ham Lake area as continuing to increase in value. She really stays on top of things and would be going to be out to review area properties. She tries to diligently watch the property sales amounts to be within a few percent of the actual market value. I can only image that with a changing market, how difficult assessing property values can be.

It is a challenge to explain the difference between the rising Property Valuation to the average home owner when they want my expert opinion of their property value with a competitive market analysis or CMA. Of the most recent CMA’s I have completed, home owners have had a bit of a reality check when I don’t add in for appreciation. With so many homes currently on the market, a home owner has to spend money to put their home in optimal condition and then price the home competitively. Property values are currently not appreciating but are remaining flat or slightly decreasing.

As an Anoka County home owner, I am not concerned by the 2.5% reduction in value of my home by Anoka County. Since my valuation directly affects what my property taxes will be, a lower value will equate to lower taxes. Also, as a Realtor, I know that this is just a leveling off period after a significantly long run of rising values. The current
buyers market is the result of the past 7+ years of increased values. No, I know there is no reason to be concerned over a market correction. Real estate is still one of the best investments a person can make.

If you are relocating to Minnesota, are looking for Homes for Sale in the north and east Twin Cities metro area and need help from a professional Realtor, give me a call. Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota.


Rent Continues to Rise in Minneapolis & St Paul MN

The September Rent report just released by ABODO shows te average rate to lease a one bedroom apartment in St Paul to be increasing ...