Is a new fence on your list of projects to beautify your home? How about landscaping the yard with a few new trees? Maybe you plan to replace your mailbox. Whatever the project, if you need to dig, you need to know about 811.
As a Realtor in the northeast Twin Cities Metro area, I know it is time for spring and summer landscaping projects. Whether it is home owner replacing that worn rusty mailbox with a shiny new one prior to listing their house or that brand new buyer wanting to plant trees to landscape their new home, shovels will be coming out in full force. Before you install that white picket fence of yesteryear in your backyard, you have one important call to make; Call 811 and know what’s below.
Making a risky assumption of where a utility line is can be very expensive. It can hit the homeowner in the pocketbook for repair costs and potential fines. It can cause entire neighborhoods to be without service. And most importantly, it can put the homeowner and others in physical danger and even cost lives. Every digging project requires a call to 811—No matter how small!
In an effort to help property owners across the U. S. dig safely, the Federal Communications Commission designated the 811 abbreviated dialing code as the only number to remember before excavation projects. It is a way to effectively replace all the various 10-digit local numbers used prior. Making it easy will help property owners remember to make the call.
Here is the painless process:
So enjoy summer! Landscape and dig to your hearts content. Just remember to Dial 811 first!
If you are relocating to Minnesota, are looking for Homes for Sale in the north and east Twin Cities metro area and need help from a professional Realtor, give me a call or visit my website for a FREE Relocation Packet. I specialize in acreage properties! Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota.
Copyright 2007 terieckholm.com
As a Realtor in the northeast Twin Cities Metro area, I know it is time for spring and summer landscaping projects. Whether it is home owner replacing that worn rusty mailbox with a shiny new one prior to listing their house or that brand new buyer wanting to plant trees to landscape their new home, shovels will be coming out in full force. Before you install that white picket fence of yesteryear in your backyard, you have one important call to make; Call 811 and know what’s below.
Making a risky assumption of where a utility line is can be very expensive. It can hit the homeowner in the pocketbook for repair costs and potential fines. It can cause entire neighborhoods to be without service. And most importantly, it can put the homeowner and others in physical danger and even cost lives. Every digging project requires a call to 811—No matter how small!
In an effort to help property owners across the U. S. dig safely, the Federal Communications Commission designated the 811 abbreviated dialing code as the only number to remember before excavation projects. It is a way to effectively replace all the various 10-digit local numbers used prior. Making it easy will help property owners remember to make the call.
Here is the painless process:

- If you plan to dig or excavate, call 811 at least two business days before you plan to start your project. This call will alert Gopher State One Call in Minnesota to have all underground public utilities marked with no charge to you. That’s right! The service is completely FREE! (Note that if you live in the country and have private lines underground to garages or other outbuildings, these will not be marked.) Not in MN, no problem. 811 will connect your call to the local utility marking service.
- Wait the required two working days to allow all utility companies sufficient time to mark their lines.
- Respect the flags, stakes and/or painted lines that indicate underground utilities.
- Dig with care and avoid all marked areas. Hand dig only within 18 inches of any marker.
So enjoy summer! Landscape and dig to your hearts content. Just remember to Dial 811 first!
If you are relocating to Minnesota, are looking for Homes for Sale in the north and east Twin Cities metro area and need help from a professional Realtor, give me a call or visit my website for a FREE Relocation Packet. I specialize in acreage properties! Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota.
Copyright 2007 terieckholm.com