Okay Stillwater, Minnesota is not exactly a resort town but a great place to get away from it all. Since moving to Ham Lake we don't get into Stillwater on a weekly basis as we did when we were minutes away in North St. Paul. Yes, we used to walk the streets and check out the eclectic shops for antiques and treasures almost every weekend. The kids liked looking at the old stuff in the buildings that were once sawmills and department stores. We loved to ride the trolley when the line ran along the St. Croix river from the train station in north to the end of line near Brine's and The Freighthouse. It

As we strolled down memory lane...I mean Stillwater's main drag, my teens were disappointed to hear that the Minnesota Zephyr would no longer be running after December 2008. They had so many memories of that train. The first is more from my memory than theirs as it was when our oldest at 2 years old, decked out in his best pinstriped Oskosh bibs and train hat, met a real engineer and was taken to see the cab of the Zephyr. The boys remember the summer box lunch ride and the midnight ride on the "Hogwarts Express" when the sixth Harry Potter book was released. The train will stay as a stationary restaurant by the depot and not run the rails as it had in the past.

One of our last visits was at the time of the floods. The waterfront restaurant near the boat docks was flooded out and had to be rebuilt. It has been fully reconstructed now. There was a new walkway along the river tracks and wall to prevent future flooding. The lift bridge was saved from demolition and repaired over the past few years as well.
Here is the rest of the photo tour of our beautiful October day in Stillwater, Minnesota. A wonderful relaxing memory-filled getaway within the Twin Cities!

Stillwater is a popular place to dock your boat for summer fun along the St. Croix River. Not all the boats on the river have been prepared for winter.

Copyright 2008 terieckholm.com